Okay, y’all I have a new candle of obsession. I don't know about you but the scent of baked goods makes you feel all warm and happy inside.  The smell of sweet treats enhances your mood and who doesn't want that?  The scent of White Icing Cinnamon Bun has taken over my home and we are hooked. I am so obsessed with this candle from Goose Creek candle company. My daughters have been asking me to light it in the mornings before I even think about it. In the words of my 7 yr old "it smells yummy mommy." Check them out HERE for the White Icing Cinnamon Bun candle. This candle is huge and the scent lingers around the house like in layers which is really cool. You get that initial hint like something is baking and then gradually the smell develops and then you recognize what you’re smelling and you’re like ohhh it smells like a Cinnamon bun. Its very bold and the scent travels well. This is not one of those candle you have to stand by to smell the scent and I love that!

Make sure you head over to (HERE Goose Creek Candle) to get yours and I can’t wait to try out my next one and share it with you. Thanks so much for checking in and until next time home should smell like scents that make you feel happy! XOXO, -Telisha 

This is a sponsored post by www.goosecreekcandle.com (HERE) All opinions are my own.

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