Hey Y’all Hey! It’s been the longest week ever! It's been hard to stay on the top of things. What’s
crazy is I only worked 2 and 1/2 days. My youngest had the flu. I had a
sinus infection. It was just a hot mess.
Things are get back to normal and feeling like myself. Speaking of staying on top of things, let’s talk about the Rooftop Meetup the Cocktail Bandits hosted. I
was excited to go for a few reasons. One from past experiences the CB
parties are always poppin. Two it was at one of the new hotels here in
Charleston. So, it was a win-win.

The the party was held on the 4th floor in the penthouse
suite at Hotel Bella Grace. I seriously loved this space. Having the private balcony off of
your room would be everything as this was! There was lots of bites from
a local catering company, Hamby. Signature sips provided by the
cocktail bandits and sips by their sponsored partners.
The view from the roof top was gorgeous and the
sun setting made for the perfect backdrop. The day was filled laughs and
enjoying the scene and meeting new people. Definitely a great way to
spend a Saturday afternoon. Thanks for checking in and checking it all out. Until
next time, I hope you get to experience a new spot in your city for the
1st time. Have a Fashionable Day.
- Telisha Renee’
Outfit Details:
Rachel Roy 2-piece set - Macys
Snake Skin Cutch - Target
Boots- Torrid
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